inner peace

Why It's OK to Not Always Feel OK

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac.

We are a culture in the pursuit of happiness. It seems these days that everyone is looking for more ways to find happiness and enjoy life a little more. 

We all want to move quickly through those days and times when we’re experiencing the so-called negative feelings, including anger and sadness. And the quicker we try to move through them, the more difficult they seem to get.

Any time we resist how we actually feel and focus on how much better or different we'd rather feel, we suffer.

Ancient philosophies like Buddhism teach us not to judge or label anything, and instead learn to observe things exactly the way they are in the present moment. 

Our judgments are simply projections of the past that also manifest fears about our future. 

If we’re able to be present with all of our feelings and give ourselves permission to be exactly where we are, we learn to appreciate the full emotional spectrum. 

After all, there’s no way to know how good something is without having experienced the bad. We wouldn’t be able to gauge when we’re happy without having experienced what it feels like to be sad.

Life is beautiful because of our experience of the entire spectrum of emotions. Instead of trying to hold onto the positive emotions and set yourself free of the negative,  try to embrace them all without judgment and see where they take you. 

End the overwhelm, for good.

Learn the exact tools to unburden yourself of anxiety and stress and live a life of joy and peace by joining the From Surviving to Thriving online course now.

We struggle so much to feel great, to be happy, when in reality being well and happy is only one part of the greater picture of our lives. 

In darkness we’re vulnerable, we meet our shadows, and find new opportunities to grow. Each time we break through a dark moment, we find our brighter light. 

Each moment, good or bad, is important, as it all comprises the story of life in in its entirety. Even chronic sadness or depression is a chapter in life that can be moved through with the right tools and practices. 

Sometimes, it’s ok to not feel ok.

Sometimes we need to feel sadness, anger, defeat. And when we judge and resist these feelings because we’ve been taught how “bad” they are, we are actually feeding our demons and making them stronger. 

All feelings, like all things in life, are transient. 

But we can choose when we let go of each feeling by taking our power back from our minds. When we train the mind through practices such as meditation, Yoga and Qi Gong, we learn that we are not our minds and therefore we don't have to be or do what the mind is telling us. 

Feelings of unworthiness and resistance of what is can cause us to feel depressed, anxious and down on ourselves. But when we see these feelings and thoughts come up, we can choose to either to let them run their course and pass by, or hold onto them and allow them to define our lives and who we are.

You can be happy and still struggle, but it's a choice whether or not you want to turn a struggle in suffering. 

The difference between a happy person and a person who’s chronically unhappy is that the happy person will always see the light at the end of the tunnel—and even when she can't actually see the light, she has faith that it’s there.

A happy person has perspective on life and is able to see the good even in the hard times and know that there is always a greater lesson to be learned. 

The openness to growth, even in one’s darkest moments, brings a sense of hope and enthusiasm for what lies ahead.

By definition, to be happy is to feel or show pleasure or contentment. It doesn’t mean that everything in life is perfect and that there are no challenges. We can learn to allow ourselves to feel contentment with whatever is, even if the feeling makes us uncomfortable.

When we embrace the difficult feelings, we’re able to be fully present with what is. This presence allows us to let go, which then organically moves us toward the easier feelings of joy and peace that we spend so much time struggling to draw into our lives.

What you’ll come to realize over time is that it’s actually easier to embrace the difficult feelings than to pretend you’re feeling better than you are. When you embrace and accept what is, you find a greater sense of peace than you could ever arrive at on your own.

Every moment of difficulty has a purpose for the bigger picture of your life. You are always equipped to deal with whatever struggle is put in front of you. Each struggle is specifically in your life because you can deal with it.  Sometimes the challenge may feel so great that we deny ourselves our inherent power with which to overcome it because the tools we need are unfamiliar.

Whatever challenge enters your life is there because you have something to learn from it and the capacity to deal with it, even if you don’t realize it at first.

The Universe presents us with hardship to force us to use all of our tools and resources, and to reach a little further to grow each time. 

When we stop planning and trying to force things to happen, we realize that delays always have a purpose. There is a magic to seeing things in this way.

When we let go of the struggle and allow the natural order of things to carry us, we’re often taken to places, feelings, emotions and circumstances far better than we ever could have planned.

And thus we're gifted with a state of happiness we couldn't otherwise attain.

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Setareh offers clinical services and transformational workshops that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More information at and

Finding Quietude in a Noisy World

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac.

Recently I had the honor of taking part in a live online class taught by one of my heroes, Julia Cameron.

Julia is the author of the international bestseller The Artist’s Way, as well as over 40 other publications. Her work has impacted my life more than any other writer and if you know me well, you know how often I recommend her to others. 

I had the pleasure of meeting this humble soul in person a couple years ago during an Artist’s Way workshop she hosted near my hometown. At that time, I was celebrating over a decade of writing Morning Pages and was able to let her know personally how profound an impact this practice had (and continues to have) on my life.

My morning writing practice drops me every day into silence to listen to my inner truths, regardless of how uplifting or painful they may be.

Throughout this new course, Julia talked about the power of deep listening to hear the sounds in your surroundings, your mind, your heart, to guidance, and even the sound of silence.

It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes by Ram Dass: “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”

As I got quiet and listened, I started hearing sounds I’d never heard before in my home, during my yoga practice and on my walks.

I began to have a greater appreciation for simple things, like the scratching of my dogs’ feet as they walked across our hardwood floors and my mother’s voice as she spoke to me on the phone. 

I began to listen more deeply to my inner wisdom for what I wanted or needed. And I started to listen more acutely to the guidance that comes constantly from Source.

To me, deep listening is at the heart of presence.

To be able to hear what others have to say without needing to respond or do anything is freeing. 

How liberating to simply be present with what is rather than feel I have to control everything!

Silence is powerful. More often than not, simply listening to someone share rather than speaking creates space for clarity to arise for that person. The same goes when you listen to yourself.

At a time in history that’s perhaps louder than any other — with the blaring sounds of the news, social media, and a landscape filled with fear, anxiety and worry, it’s essential to stop and listen.

While you may not be able to turn off the noise, becoming more aware of the sounds in both your inner and outer worlds can change how you experience them.

Taking time to slow down and truly listen helps lower the volume of distraction and tune you in to the wisdom that lies within.

Then, you can reveal the truth of not just what you truly feel, but also what you truly need and want.

2 Simple Practices to Help You Listen More Deeply:

  1. Listen & Write

    With a pen and paper in hand, sit in a quiet corner of your home. 

    Close your eyes. 

    Take three deep breaths.

    Now, open your eyes and write down every sound you hear in your environment—the fan of your heater, cars driving by outside, birds chirping, the rain or the breeze, the sound of your children walking or dogs barking, etc.

    Write down every single sound you hear for the next 3-5 minutes.

    Then pause and take another three breaths.

    Be still with all that is in the moment.

    Now write down what you feel – physically, emotionally and mentally.

    This may stir up some emotion, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve taken time like this for yourself. Invite in all the feelings. 

    Listening deeply is essential to hearing your personal truth. Writing it down clarifies the path to your authentic self.

  2. 10 Minute Meditation (BEME Meditation): the meditation below will help you listen more closely, more often.

    I like to call it The BEME Meditation; it’s a practice I developed that invites you to listen to your body, emotions, mind and environment, without judgment. 

While judgments and inner narratives can distort reality and cause you to suffer, the process of quiet observation supports you to be authentic by simply being more present.

So feel, hear, be.

And know that everything will be OK, even if you don’t feel OK in this particular moment.

What’s the soundtrack that’s playing in your life right now? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

Yin Yoga Integration for Flexibility

Yin Yoga Integration for Flexibility

Yin Yoga Integration to release the Bladder meridian and increase flexibility in the hips, pelvis spine, calm the nervous system and boost the immune system.

Yin Yoga Integration to Quell Fear & Cultivate Inner Peace

Fear can be paralyzing. 

 But if you're able to properly transform your fear, you can channel that energy to create positive change in the world, and cultivate inner peace. 

 According to Chinese Medicine Fear is the emotion associated with the imbalanced state of your Kidney system, which includes the adrenal glands.

 In this Yoga Integration practice, you'll learn tools that'll help you build your Kidney energy to quell your fear and cultivate inner peace.